PakGhar - Assamese Recipes App provides you the collection of best and various types of Assamese Recipes.
This app gives you each recipes in Assamese only. It is a very useful App for cooking lovers as well as new cooking Learner also.
This app will use in your kitchen at any time.
PakGhar - Assamese Recipes provides you a huge collection of Assamese cooked foods recipe and other countries recipes also like Italian, Thai, South Indian etc.
PakGhar - Assamese Recipes App have total 10 categories which includes :-
**Rice Recipe
**Meat Recipe
**Fish Recipe
**Vegetable Recipe
**Dessert Recipe
**Drinks Recipe
**Pickle Recipe
**Snacks Recipe
**Indian Traditional Recipe
**Foreign Foods Recipe
And in every sector there are several items with huge recipes.
1. It provides traditional assamese dishes .
2. It has huge collection of recipes and pictures.
3. It has searching option in Assamese And English.
4. It provides necessary cooking tips and health tips.
So, enjoy “ PakGhor - Assamese Recipes ” and keep your and your family's tummy happy. :D
PakGhar - Assam Resep App menyediakan koleksi jenis terbaik dan berbagai Assam Resep.
Aplikasi ini memberikan Anda setiap resep di Assam saja. Ini adalah App sangat berguna untuk memasak pecinta serta Learner memasak baru juga.
Aplikasi ini akan menggunakan di dapur Anda setiap saat.
PakGhar - Assam Resep menyediakan banyak koleksi Assam dimasak makanan resep dan negara-negara lain resep juga seperti Italia, Thailand, India Selatan dll
PakGhar - Assam Resep App memiliki jumlah 10 kategori yang meliputi: -
** Beras Resep
** Resep Daging
** Ikan Resep
** Sayuran Resep
** Dessert Resep
** Minuman Resep
** Pickle Resep
** Snacks Resep
** Resep Tradisional India
** Asing Foods Resep
Dan di setiap sektor ada beberapa item dengan resep besar.
1. Menyediakan hidangan Assam tradisional.
2. Memiliki koleksi resep dan gambar.
3. Ini telah mencari pilihan di Assam Dan bahasa Inggris.
4. Menyediakan diperlukan memasak tips dan tips kesehatan.
Jadi, menikmati “PakGhor - Assam Resep” dan menjaga Anda dan perut keluarga Anda bahagia. : D